Total Vision

Emergency Eye Care in
Los Gatos

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Your Eye Emergency Can’t Be Ignored

Whenever there’s an urgent risk to your vision or eye health, you have an eye emergency on your hands. It’s absolutely vital that you act fast to avoid potential eye damage or vision loss. But you can’t deal with an eye emergency alone.

If you or someone you love experiences an eye emergency, you need an eye doctor’s help now. At Total Vision Los Gatos, we have the equipment and expertise to handle a wide range of eye emergencies. Trust us to provide the support you need.

Eye Emergencies Explained

Possible Signs of Eye Emergencies

  • Suddenly loss of vision
  • New floaters or flashes
  • Large patches of blurred vision
  • Acute eye pain
  • Acute headaches or loss of balance
  • Acute inflammation

What to Do in Eye Emergencies

There are 2 things you should never do in an eye emergency: 

  • Ignore the problem
  • Try to solve it yourself

Instead, contact your optometrist immediately—even if you aren’t sure your problem counts as an emergency. When your vision might be at stake, it’s best not to risk it.

Total Vision Los Gatos commonly handles eye emergencies of many kinds. If you cannot contact us for any reason, please proceed to the closest emergency room.

Our Location in Los Gatos

Where Is Your Practice?

Our practice is on North Santa Cruz Avenue, at the corner of Bachman Avenue. If you’re early for your appointment, you’ll find eateries and plenty of other shops nearby to explore.

Our Address

  • 233 N Santa Cruz Avenue
  • Los Gatos, CA 95030

Contact Information

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